6. This is the absolute easiest way I've found to Meditate.
Meditation isn’t just for the spiritual yogis or the people that spend thousands on retreats. Mediation is for everyone and today I’m going to share just how simple it can be.
Learning to meditate unguided is really empowering. To be able to sit with yourself, however you are in that moment, builds resilience, self awareness and compassion. And look it just feels really freaking cool, ok!
Unfortunately most people don’t think they can do it. I was like most people for a long time too. This is what I was telling myself, it might sound familiar?!
My mind is too busy
I don’t have time to learn
I don’t know what to do
I can’t sit still
These are of course all valid thoughts, BUT it doesn’t have to be reality. If this overthinking-fidgeter can learn, I reckon you can too!
Step 1. Get comfy
I do suggest sitting for your meditation, either on the couch, floor, cushion, bed, chair or car. You want to sit tall, spine long, soft shoulders. In a seated position you are more likely to stay awake than when laying down!
Step 2. Settle in
Close your eyes and take 3 or 4 slow deep breaths in and out of the nose. Unclench and soften your body as you breath. Return your breathing to a gentle inhale and exhale.
Step 3. Body scan
Slowly scan your body from your head to your toes. Notice the sensations throughout your body. Maybe warmth or coolness, discomfort or ease. You are just observing what you find. No need to judge or analyse.
Step 4. Find your anchor
The simplest anchor (and the one I use every day) is the breath. The anchor is what you come back to when the mind wanders. For me it is the breath entering and leaving my nose. But it could be the rise and fall of the belly or even a mantra. Focus on your anchor.
Step 5. Wandering mind
The mind 100% will wander! Gently bring it back to the present moment by noticing your anchor over and over and over again.
Step 6. Open your eyes
You did it! You just meditated all by yourself. regardless of if it was 1 minute, 10 minutes or 30, you have started to build a meditation practice. And get to start feeling the benefits of meditation.
Don’t be disheartened if you missed or muddled up the steps. Or if you “only lasted” a minute. Think of this like you would running 5kms if you’d never run 5kms before, you start slow with shorter distances and lots of walking. Here you start with shorter times and lots of mind wandering!
I hope this little guide useful in getting started, but if you need more help or clarification about learning to meditate, my inbox and DM’s are always open! I’d love to hear from you.
Libby x
Meditation Timer
On Insight Timer, there is a function to set up a timer for your meditation. I have mine set up with rain music in the background and a gentle bell sound to signal the end. Much nicer than the timer alarm on my phone!Meditation Cushions
Stretch Now has been my go-to since I purchased my first (and only) yoga mat at least 15 years ago!! I don’t love the colour any more, but it won’t wear out so I have to keep using it.
My meditation cushion and bolster are also from here too. They are firm and supportive, even for my plus sized booty.Essentail Oils
EO’s are the perfect anchor to use during meditation to signals to the brain it’s meditation time!
I just get mine from the health food store or online, my favourite brands are Oil Garden and Absolute Essentials. At the moment my meditation blend is ginger and basil in a little baby roller ball with some carrier oil. So warming and uplifting.